Introducing the Artist: Amy Peck
Super quick recap
In our last Young Folk blog post we introduced the exhibition 'Un/common People: Folk Culture in Wessex' and the process of picking our artist. In this post, we will introduce the artist we chose and our ideas for the project.
Meet the artist
Introducing our artist: Amy Peck!
Amy specialises in cyanotypes and - one of our deciding factors - giant puppet and lantern making. She has experience working with groups of people from different backgrounds due to her many group works similar to ours, making her the perfect fit.
Aside from her amazing art, Amy is very passionate and just easy to get along with. To us, it didn't really matter how good the artwork was if the artist wasn't going to cooperate with us the way we wanted.
What are we making?
Due to Amy's skillset, we have chosen to make a large puppet that resembles the cultural figure commonly known as the green man. Our puppet will be designed similar to a lantern; a willow frame covered by a linen cloth, decorated with patterns and charms linked to our country's many cultures. This green man will have the ability to be paraded round in celebration whilst also being small enough to be displayed within the gallery.
Amy has also made sure that our personal connections to folk would be incorporated into our artwork - we discussed how, in a modern context, folk should include aspects of music, the internet and multiculturalism. In addition, each young person was asked to consider personal belongings that could be incorporated into the puppet.
Artwork created during our first session with Amy:
Next time
Next post, we will start to talk about the process of creation and making.
Victoria and Michael
Members of Young Folk