Museum & Art Swindon - The Cartoonist's Big Book of Drawing Animals
Museum & Art Swindon - The Cartoonist's Big Book of Drawing Animals

The Cartoonist's Big Book of Drawing Animals

How to Draw Cartoon Animals, features all of the most popular animals, including dogs, cats, horses, penguins, lions, tigers, bears, and elephants, as well as the favorite sidekick animals—pigs, kangaroos, giraffes, turtles.

Simple step-by-step drawings show how to capture every cartoon emotion, from cutesy-sweet to begging to scheming, and how to create every box-office type, from baby animals to villain animals to clueless animals and much more. Faces, bodies, paws, feet, wings, tails—every part of dozens of animals is explained in this bumper book by the world’s leading author of instructional art books. It’s a mega-menagerie for cartoonists!


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