Museum & Art Swindon - Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner
Museum & Art Swindon - Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner
Museum & Art Swindon - Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner
Museum & Art Swindon - Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner

Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner

Drawing Techniques & Tutorials for the Complete Beginner by Christine Allison 

Despite the common assumption that the ability to draw is a skill you possess or don't, it can be readily learnt with the right teacher guiding you. Christine Allison fulfils that role with her expertise and friendly, encouraging approach. With 10 step-by-step tutorials, Christine helps beginners navigate various subject matters and drawing media, providing them with a thorough grounding in the basics of this satisfying art. In addition to the tutorials, Christine includes advice on tools, materials and techniques, gives plenty of tips throughout and presents ideas on how to take each tutorial a step further.

Learn techniques, including:

  • Materials and equipment
  • Line
  • Tone
  • Colour
  • Composition

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